Tuesday, October 20, 2015

The Purpose of The Church

The Church of God is an exclussive and unique organism in the earth.  It is the body of Christ and as such is the light of the world as well as the restraining force that keeps the powers of darkness from totally running wild in the earth.  The church primarily has been given a mandate from God that takes precedence over every other pursuit and activity.  The primary mandate can be found in many passages of scripture.  Although scriptures reveal God's plan and purpose for the church there are very few churches that literally follow, observe or fulfill the mandate of their God who is King of kings and Lord of all.  It is my belief that the church is to spread the Kingdom by advancing the Kingdom in awesome manners in which there is a consumate proof of God's existence.

When the church comes to know her purpose and her worth to God there will be a notable difference in her functioning in the earth.  Before one can begin to explore the purpose of the church it is very important to explore the church's foundational purpose in the mind of God.  There are many ideologies in the hearts of man as to what the church is.  In truth only God can define the church's purpose and His intention for her existing.  The first type and shadow of the church is found in the Book of Genesis, 1:1-5 as well as Gen. 1:14-19.

The Cosmological Model of the Church  

     "And God said Let there be light..."  Gen. 1:3  is the first primary model of the purpose of the church.  God's primary Word was "Let there be light!"  God only sought one substantial existence to be present in the text but light.  The earth is seen as being chaotic either from the process of creation or the violation of the earth.  In either account there is a need to remove and to fix the state of "Tohu VaBohu".  The earth is said to be without form and void.  This condition caused God to begin to remedy the state of this condition.  The first action that God took was to speak and unleash "Light" into the gross darkness that was called Chosek.  He simply says "Let there be..." It is here that we find that the term "be" literally is the term hayah which means:

1.  To be, become or come to pass.

2.  To exist, happen 

3.  Occur or take place

4.  Come into being

5.  Arise or appear

6.  Be instituted or established

There are several more meanings of this term hayah but the gist of the meaning is to exist or come into existence.  He begins to deal with darkness by reconstructing with the power of light.  To fix this system of chaos God summons and commands light to appear.  The light (or) is the vehicle of Gods:

1.  Knowledge

2.  Light

3.  Life

4.  Instruction

5.  Prosperity

6.  Presence

The term or is significantly an agent or type of tool of God used to dispel darkness and to restore peace to a condition that was obviously not conducive to life and order.  It is here that we find that the light represents the presence of Go in the earth.  The presence of the light of God in the earth is now in the body of Christ which is now the church.  This owr (light) was the first agent that was sanctified to do the will of God.  This light was seemingly called out of the very presence of darkness itself.  Born and pulled out of darkness this light would become the realigning force that would empower lives to be changed.  There is not enough space nor time at present to list and discuss all that the church was designed and brought forth to do in the Kingdom of God.  This is one aspect of the purpose of God and in fact one of the most pressing and important aspects of the church's purpose.


Friday, September 11, 2015

Pneumatics As Opposed To Physics

Pneumatics VS. Physics

In the natural realm or the secular world the application of Scientia (the term from which we derive the word science) is generally applied to either general science or Physics.  The term physics will generally refer to the nature and the properties of matter and energy.  This discipline will include the examination of the structure of the atom, light, energy, electro-magnetism, radiation, sound and electricity.  It is very comprehensive in examining and analyzing the laws that govern and and maintain the physical universe.  These laws, when understood, enable man to operate within the natural realm with utmost precision and effectiveness. 

It is the branch of physics that has allowed man to harness the living atom in using electricity to make our modern day appliances or fiber optics in creating smaller and more efficient computers which not controls virtually everything in our lives.  The knowledge in which man has achieved through science and technology is nothing short of miraculous when we look how far society has come over the last fifty years.  In a single lifetime man has achieved incredible results just from applying physics.  What would occur if the church would apply the same energy to the laws and processes of the spirit.  I am astounded at the successes made through theoretical physics, theoretical quantum physics and theoretical astro-physics. It is this reason I began to develop a discipline of study within the theological discipline that I term Pneumatics.

Where physics investigates the natural phenomenon of the the material "ontos" Pneumatics examines the phenomena of the spirit realm and its laws and processes.  Scripture reveals to us that those things that can be seen are those things that are temporal which indicates that every observable existence that can be analyzed by science is actually lower end Pneumatics.  This is what the scriptures reveal about the material universe.

     "For the invisible things of him from the creation of the world are clearly seen, being understood by the things that are made..."  Rom. 1:20

Paul is very clear in that he reveals that those things (Ahoratos - The invisible) are clearly understood from the onslaught of creation (Ktisis - The thing that is forged or the building or creating of or the  creation).  In other words the pneumatic or spiritual law and realm can be understood by the natural things that are observed.  All material will manifest the spiritual truths and methodology of operations of the spiritual realm if one desires to see truth.  The King James versions says they are clearly seen.  The original implies that they are seen (Kathorao - To behold fully, distinctly or to see clearly) without obscurity.  Spiritual law can be observed and documented through the observance of the basics known as physics.  If physics appear to be quite comprehensive and difficult one can but wonder how awesomely comprehensive and difficult must Pneumatics be.

Paul goes on to proclaim the following:

     " While we look not at the things which are seen, but at the things which are seen, but at the things which are not seen: for the things which are seen are temporal; but the things which are not seen are eternal."  2 Cor. 4:18

Paul is clear that we are not to  primarily take aim, regard or consider (Skopeo -Look) those things that can be seen with the naked eye.  These things are temporal (Proskairos - temporary endure for a while or for a season, temporary).  He infers that the things that are not seen are those things that endure always or are eternal (Aionios).  

It is the spiritual realm and the understanding of Pneumatics that will empower man to understood those things in the universe and beyond that he could not with mere physics.  I have been working on a book that will feature pneumatics and the branches and elements that are found in this awesome and unique pursuit as it relates to the Scientia of the Spirit.  This is one of the major problems in the Church of Jesus, we no very little about our own Kingdom and the laws that operate the very realms in which it is located.  If the church continues to grow in the understanding that the material realm sprang from the spiritual realm and the laws of the spiritual realm are the very laws that uphold continually the realm of matter (Heb. 1:3  "...and upholding all things by the word of his power..." the results of our achievements in this life and this realm would be astounding.

My prayer is that God will raise up those who have a hunger and thirst to understand the Kingdom before the "Desolation of Abominations" disrupts the natural course of the day to invoke the the pagentry of the last days.


Tuesday, July 14, 2015

An End Time Theology

An End Time Theology

by Bishop D. A. Reeves
Copyright 2015
We are now living in very critical times and perhaps very dangerous times for those who seek any type of spirituality, especially when it relates to God/Christ.  In a world today with the diverse philosophies and ideologies that exist a spiritual mind is considered to be a dangerous mind that halts the very progress and advancement of science, technology and social progress.  To many, the three major religions that have a common thread (Monotheistic Perspective) are the cause of all strife and war in the world if not most of it.  For this reason many in the so-called civilized societies have all but abandoned organized religion.

The danger of this perspective and approach to spirituality is the spiritual climate of our day is so diverse and so uncertain that the shift of that very climate and nature of it has changed so drastically.  Many who do not understand the scriptures or spiritual atmospheres are not knowledgeable of spiritual powers and those entities that lead and organize them.  In a world of technology spiritual truths have been neatly tucked away and reserved for the superstitious and those who appear to be somewhat addle-brained.  The world has become so technologically advanced that our scientists and engineers have very little time if any to consider the reality of spiritual beings such as demons, angels and even God.  The God of Judaism, Christianity and Islam to many is outdated and considered unnecessary for times in which we live.

Man has continued to develop his philosophy and science to the point where it is now possible to combine different species into one organism to produce hybrid chimeras at the cellular level and their intent is to take man to the next generation.  The nano technology and microscopic computers that are now operating off of three dimensional binary systems may very well have the capacity to program themselves and even adapt to a certain type of programic thought where machines may be able to program mankind out of the equation of life.  The string and strand theories have become common consideration in the world of science as is the theories of the extraterrestrial seeders of the the earth and our universe.  Mankind hastens to usher in and an age of utopia and technological wonder that there are no limitations to what they desire to use science for. There are no longer any boundaries.  Nothing is sacred any more not even life itself.  Those who have considered the possibilities of creating bacteria and viruses that we have no immunization or medicine to combat against them are considered a threat to the onward movement of science and global progress.  

Daniel prophesied about this day and those who understand prophesy see it clearly as it relates to the world.  
     "But thou, O Daniel, shut up the words, and seal the book, even to the time of the end: many shall run to and fro, and knowledge shall be increased"  Dan. 12:4

Secularism has taken leaps and bounds into the future by way of their science and considerations while the constituents of the church are reluctant to search the Word of God from an academic and higher level of research to understand the finer things of God.  The church must continue to produce those who will champion and defend the causes of Christ while pursuing truth that goes beyond our denominational worldviews.  Many belief systems are not structured around the scripture and many who proclaim "Sola Scriptura" (Scripture Alone) as the standard of truth and knowledge have invented new ways to make scripture conform to their pattern of thought and philosophy.

There are those who consider themselves to be God fearing Christians who who have taken the position of "Higher Criticism" that espouses that scripture as it is may contain the Word of God but as a whole it is not the Word of God.  Many have blurred the lines between canonized scriptures and the various writings of the Psedepigraphic Texts.  Because we did not prepare our young and elderly believers to pursue learning the Word of God from a greater academic and comprehensive manner the church in this century have been reduced to biblical illiterate believers who struggle with the message of faith, the Gospel and other vital truths.

It is now the responsibility of the Fathers and Mothers of the church to prepare this generation for the times of trouble that are to come.  I have committed my life to the development of the church in this last hour and for a comprehensive development of an End Time Theology that is founded and driven by the Word of God.  If we should fail not just Pentecostalism and  the Apostolic Faith will be effective but the entire world, our society, our schools and the families that have been entrusted to us.

Specific event must occur before Jesus returns; however the church is said to be the light of the world and it is our responsibility to hinder the powers of darkness from totally ravaging this world while we remain in it.  Our theology for this end time must include elements of prayer technology and those dynamics of faith that equips every believer to pray with confidence knowing that the effectual fervent prayer of the righteous yet availeth much (James 5:16).  There must be an introduction and a comprehensive approach to pneumatology (wherein those truths and laws concerning the operations of the spirit and the spirit realm are made clear.  although there is prophecy concerning the end of this life and even the falling away of the church (2 Thess. 2:3).  In short, the church must involve herself with a much higher level of Theological instruction and learning.  We are in dire need of the knowledge (da'ath) that Daniel spoke of in Dan. 12:4.  this knowledge is, according to the Amplified Bible, the knowledge of God's purposes as revealed by His prophets.

The world has excelled in their scientific knowledge but has failed in understanding that their science (Scientia) and wisdom is God's gift to mankind to enable them to understand His love toward man and they have through their arrogance and ignorance tried to write God out of the Ontological Equation.  The church on the other hand has not prevailed in growing in the understanding of God's plans and purposes for the world, time evil and the church itself.  I urge every leader to lead the flocks of God back into the verdant pastures of the Word of God and prepare the heritage of God for the times that are yet to come.  There is still time to rally the prayer warriors and those who will, through their faith, fight the good fight of faith.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

My Cry Unto God

I have found that this age is an age of distraction and heaviness.  It is so easy to become distracted and to leave off at completing those objectives that were our intentions to do.  It is within ministry that this lack of focus can become so devastating because we forget that ministry firstly belongs to God and that ministry was ordained of God for a specific purpose.

As time progresses the people of God become more and more worn and many have a sense of devastion in their lives because of failure, disappointments, betrayal and just the pressures of life.  As I watch I see God revealing Himselves to men with amazing illuminations of scientific facts and discoveries that any sane mind would be compelled to admit the awesomeness of God and yet men for fear of losing their self imposed deity continue to reject the only true hope for this world, God.  It is not so much the attitudes of the world that concern me so much as do the attitutdes in the church.  The body of believers have somehow come to a place in their lives where behavior and simple niceties have been forgotten and in many cases replaced by loathsome and injurious statements.  I myself have been the object of this attitude often times and rejoice because of the grace that has come to me by being called of God.  But I often wonder if statements were hurled at others that were projected at me could a broken or wounded person survive?

I have seen Christians from many walks of life be transformed by this age and by the continual battles and storms of life into something that reseambles nothing like Christ.  My fear (and I know that we should not fear) so I will say my contemplations are for those who are coming behind us.  What will we as leaders leave for the next wave of "The Called"?  If Jesus should tarry how will they navigate through the maze of confusion and disarray that has been set before them.  How will they orchestrate and with what type of decorum will they walk when they have seen pastors and bishops so filled with hatred, bitterness and wanton disregard for the heart of God and His people.

My Cry unto God is that I wish I understood sooner,  I wish I had a stronger mentor in my youth and I wish I had not failed you in so many simple ways.  But because I have I cry out asking, "Keep my heart and my mind that I might be filled with light and love doing all that I can to build the Kingdom for the rest of the days of my life.  And let me pave the way for your young soldiers that are to come.  Let me prepare them that they may be successful and achieve even greater things that I have strove to do.

Save that which should be saved.  Even so Lord Jesus Come!

+ Bishop Dr. Derrick A. Reeves

Wednesday, December 12, 2012

Matters of The Heart

D.R.M. (Derrick Reeves Ministries) will soon be setting into motion the program "Matters of The Heart".  The program will be recorded and shot in studio just as soon as all of the details are worked out with the production company who will be doing the segments.

The program will focus on many topics that are of interest to the church, families, and leaders in the church.  The program will explore these very impacting and insightful topics from 3 Men, 3 Ages and 3 Perspectives.  Dr. Reeves will be the host and will be joined by two other co-hosts.  The co-host were chosen because of their age group as well as the knowledge, experiences and levels of success that they have procured in their ministerial and educational careers.  All of the hosts are authors in their own right and have amassed a great deal of knowledge in life and the church.

The first segment will be shot in 2013.  The date is still being negotiated by the D.R.M. representatives who are not divulging much information as of yet but when the news breaks you'll be the first to know. There will be audio recordings of the program as well for those who desire the audio portion of the show.  Each segment will be roughly about 30 minutes.

Tuesday, January 31, 2012

A Time Of Consecration

A Time of Consecration

The Derrick Reeves Ministry has taken a new challenge this year and is preparing to expand it's operations. For this reason all staff members who volunteer and who are a part of the administration staff will be going through a time of reorganization and consecration.

So many times individuals who serve others continue to work and never refill themselves or renew themselves. It is during these times that ministers, leaders and church workers can become tired and worn. Ministry must consistently be renewed. Without the renewal process ministers, counselors etc. can become disenchanted, weary and some times even bitter. Many mistakes are made when even the believer in general continues to operate in ministry or life with exhausted reservoirs. This is a recipe for tragedy.

It is for this reason that a mandate came from Bishop Reeves for his staff to prepare themselves for a sacred journey. "It is time for us to scrutinize ourselves and to readjust our hearts, minds and lives for the purpose of getting us back on track with our fundamental purpose and call." D.R.M. is refocusing on the true purpose for the church which is the procurement and deliverance of souls. Jesus is coming back and it behooves the church to have her work complete when he does. This means to have our minds, hearts and lives in order as well as having our life's work finished as God desires it to be.

Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Reorganization of DRM

Derrick Reeves Ministries is in the process of being reorganized under the larger umbrella of Reeverian Concepts L.L.C. DRM will be one of the arms of this development company and will begin producing some awesome products for those who are seeking informative and powerful tools for ministry.

With the upcoming year there will be new publications, an online bookstore and a new website that will present some of the most unusual and fulfilling research available. We are looking for an awesome future in aiding the believer to reach and fulfill their divine destiny.