The Church of God is an exclussive and unique organism in the earth. It is the body of Christ and as such is the light of the world as well as the restraining force that keeps the powers of darkness from totally running wild in the earth. The church primarily has been given a mandate from God that takes precedence over every other pursuit and activity. The primary mandate can be found in many passages of scripture. Although scriptures reveal God's plan and purpose for the church there are very few churches that literally follow, observe or fulfill the mandate of their God who is King of kings and Lord of all. It is my belief that the church is to spread the Kingdom by advancing the Kingdom in awesome manners in which there is a consumate proof of God's existence.
When the church comes to know her purpose and her worth to God there will be a notable difference in her functioning in the earth. Before one can begin to explore the purpose of the church it is very important to explore the church's foundational purpose in the mind of God. There are many ideologies in the hearts of man as to what the church is. In truth only God can define the church's purpose and His intention for her existing. The first type and shadow of the church is found in the Book of Genesis, 1:1-5 as well as Gen. 1:14-19.
The Cosmological Model of the Church
"And God said Let there be light..." Gen. 1:3 is the first primary model of the purpose of the church. God's primary Word was "Let there be light!" God only sought one substantial existence to be present in the text but light. The earth is seen as being chaotic either from the process of creation or the violation of the earth. In either account there is a need to remove and to fix the state of "Tohu VaBohu". The earth is said to be without form and void. This condition caused God to begin to remedy the state of this condition. The first action that God took was to speak and unleash "Light" into the gross darkness that was called Chosek. He simply says "Let there be..." It is here that we find that the term "be" literally is the term hayah which means:
1. To be, become or come to pass.
2. To exist, happen
3. Occur or take place
4. Come into being
5. Arise or appear
6. Be instituted or established
There are several more meanings of this term hayah but the gist of the meaning is to exist or come into existence. He begins to deal with darkness by reconstructing with the power of light. To fix this system of chaos God summons and commands light to appear. The light (or) is the vehicle of Gods:
1. Knowledge
2. Light
3. Life
4. Instruction
5. Prosperity
6. Presence
The term or is significantly an agent or type of tool of God used to dispel darkness and to restore peace to a condition that was obviously not conducive to life and order. It is here that we find that the light represents the presence of Go in the earth. The presence of the light of God in the earth is now in the body of Christ which is now the church. This owr (light) was the first agent that was sanctified to do the will of God. This light was seemingly called out of the very presence of darkness itself. Born and pulled out of darkness this light would become the realigning force that would empower lives to be changed. There is not enough space nor time at present to list and discuss all that the church was designed and brought forth to do in the Kingdom of God. This is one aspect of the purpose of God and in fact one of the most pressing and important aspects of the church's purpose.
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